Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Shiner Rising Star Round 2 – Week 2

Thursday, September 29, 2011; 8pm-10pm
City Tavern
1402 Main St.
Dallas, TX
All ages | FREE
Blackbird Sing
Twisted Pistols

Sunday, September 25, 2011

School Bills

Thanks for the guest post by Jo Levy

I logged onto to see you I could reduce my monthly overhead. I recently ran into a bit of a tight spot and need to save as much money as I can. I have had my children in a private school since they were in first grade. When their dad and I divorced, the settlement did not include him paying for private school. I have gone back to work, but did not work for the last ten years and am trying to make my way back up the work (pay scale) ladder. I know that the divorce was very hard on my children. I want to keep them in the same school to try and minimize all of the upheaval and change that I know they are going through. I have talked to the administrators at the school and they have helped me come up with a payment plan, but I still am paying the full tuition for my kids. Every little bit of money I can save every month helps!